
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

J. Fabini:
"Access Networks - Dormant Middleboxes (hops IRTF working group)";
Talk: IETF 94, Yokohama, Japan; 10-30-2015 - 11-06-2015.

English abstract:
Traditionally, middleboxes operate in the value domain. Possible actions include blocking or policying of packets depending on their protocol, as well as modification of header- or payload fields. Session state that today's networks store at layers below IP characterize these networks as dormant middleboxes. The state that is stored within these networks can be detected by analyzing accurate measurement results with respect to clusterings in the time domain. The presentation presents results from real networks to identify opportunities and challenges in time-based middlebox detection.

German abstract:
Traditionally, middleboxes operate in the value domain. Possible actions include blocking or policying of packets depending on their protocol, as well as modification of header- or payload fields. Session state that today's networks store at layers below IP characterize these networks as dormant middleboxes. The state that is stored within these networks can be detected by analyzing accurate measurement results with respect to clusterings in the time domain. The presentation presents results from real networks to identify opportunities and challenges in time-based middlebox detection.

delay, one-way delay, round-trip delay, on-demand capacity allocation, access network

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.