

M. Brameshuber, G. Schütz:
"In Vivo Tracking of Single Biomolecules: What Trajectories Tell Us About the Acting Forces";
in: "Springer Series on Fluorescence 14 far-field optical nanoscopy; volume editors P. Tinnefeld, C. Eggeling, S.W. Hell", Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015, S. 293 - 329.

Kurzfassung englisch:
It would be the dream of many experimental scientists in cell biology to
be able to follow the life of a protein molecule over time, to watch its encounters
with other proteins, to record its conformational fluctuations, and from that data to
understand its functionality. Indeed, technology is now at hand to detect the signal
of a single molecule in a live cell context. In particular, researchers have been
employing single molecule tracking to recover the forces that act on biomolecules:
active transport can be discriminated from free or confined diffusion, and
nanoscopic details within the molecular paths can be investigated. In the first part
of this chapter, we provide an overview over typical diffusion models for biomolecular
motion. Yet, experiment, data analysis, and interpretation are not that
simple: trajectories are frequently too short, the data are too noisy, and only a
vanishingly small fraction of proteins is actually visible. In the second part of this
chapter, we therefore delineate how diffusion models can be implemented for data
analysis. As a showcase, we discuss recent single molecule data obtained on Lck, an
important kinase in T cell signaling.

Active transport Diffusion Fick´s law Fokker-Planck equation Lck Localization precision Single molecule microscopy Single molecule tracking

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