
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

G. Leigh:
"The simple truth";
Talk: Gothenburg Logic Seminar, Gothenburg, Schweden (invited); 2015-09-15 - 2015-09-16.

English abstract:
The 'truth bi-conditionals' are the statements of the form `A <-> T[A]´ where A is a sentence, T is a predicate symbol and [A] denotes a name for A (e.g. Gödel code of A). Theories defined in terms of truth bi-conditionals are known to be deductively and conceptually simple. As observed already by Tarski, compositional truth principles, such as `for all sentences A, B: T[A & B] <-> T[A] & T[B]´, are not derivable from the basic bi-conditionals except in trivial cases. Nevertheless, many philosophers (e.g. Quine, Horwich, Williams) have proposed that the truth bi-conditionals are all there is to truth. In this talk I present proof-theoretic support for this extreme view and show how remarkably strong systems (both truth- and proof-theoretically) are implicit in very weak truth-theoretic assumptions.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.