
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

A. Mahdavi, F. Tahmasebi:
"The Inter-individual Variance of the Defining Markers of Occupancy Patterns in Office Buildings: A Case Study";
Talk: Building Simulation 2015 - 14th International Conference of IBPSA, Hyderabad, Indien; 2015-12-07 - 2015-12-09; in: "Building Simulation Applications 2015 - 2nd IBPSA-Italy Conference", V Garg et al. (ed.); Eigenverlag mit wissenschaftlichem Lektorat / Peer Review, IBPSA, (2015), 73.

English abstract:
Recently. increased efforts have been invested to enhance the sophistication of occupancy modelling approaches in building performance simulation. However, the effectiveness of such approaches depends on the robustness of the underlying empirical information. Thereby, an important question pertains to the existance and level of inter-individual differences in occupancy patterns. In the present contribution, we use a repository of monitored occupancy data in an office building to addess this problem empirically. While this repository does not include a large enough number of occupants to warrant a statistically significant treatment, it does allow for initiating a discussion of the diversity in observed occupancy profiles and the implications for relevant occupancy models in building performance simulation.

German abstract:
none - see english abstract

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.