
Scientific Reports:

J.G.O. Wenninger, A. Jantsch, M. Rathmair, C. Halmdienst, G. Zucker, M. Blöchle:
"Endbericht extrACT -- Automatische Funktions- und Ertragskontrolle für thermische Gebäudesysteme - Effizienzsteigerung Datenextraktion";
Report for FFG; 2015; 28 pages.

English abstract:
Today´s thermal building systems collect a remarkable amount of data in their controllers. However, the evaluation at runtime is usually limited to raising alarms in case of severe errors, but do not pinpoint data problems or inefficiencies. Therefore this project develops algorithms for common systems with solar heating and cooling components that detect errors and inefficiencies automatically and mainly independent of the actual system. The algorithms are tested in systems by partner Pink and with data from solar cooling installations in two office building installations.

chillers maintenance fault detection cause detection sensors communication visualization algorithms

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.