
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

A. Tus, A. Rendl, G. Raidl:
"Metaheuristics for the Two-Dimensional Container-Pre-Marshalling-Problem";
Vortrag: LION 9, Lille, France; 12.01.2015 - 15.01.2015; in: "Learning and Intelligent Optimization", C. Dhaenens, L. Jourdan, M. Marmion (Hrg.); 8994 (2015), ISBN: 978-3-319-19084-6; S. 186 - 201.

Kurzfassung englisch:
We introduce a new problem arising in small and medium-sized container terminals: the Two-Dimensional Pre-Marshalling Problem (2D-PMP). It is an extension of the well-studied Pre-Marshalling Problem (PMP) that is crucial in container storage. The 2D-PMP is particularly challenging due to its complex side constraints that are challenging to express and difficult to consider with standard techniques for the PMP. We present three different heuristic approaches for the 2D-PMP. First, we adapt an existing construction heuristic that was designed for the classical PMP. We then apply this heuristic within two metaheuristics: a Pilot method and a Max-Min Ant System that incorporates a special pheromone model. In our empirical evaluation we observe that the Max-Min Ant System outperforms the other approaches by yielding better solutions in almost all cases.

metaheuristics, two dimensional container pre marshalling problem

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