
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

F. Nunes:
"How can technology help people improve their self-care? Supporting engagement in their clinical consultations";
Talk: Talk at IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark (invited); 2015-08-17.

English abstract:
People living with chronic conditions meet their doctors every couple of months to adjust treatment. Consultations are rare and yet crucial occasions to discuss old issues, new challenges, and strategies for the next couple of months. Multiple technologies have been developed to support consultations, however, in most cases, these technologies adopted a clinical perspective. In this presentation, we will discuss how technology can support patients further during their consultations. Drawing on a qualitative study that included observations at the hospital, interviews with patients, and digital ethnography of a web community, we propose implications for design and design concepts that promote the patients' perspective.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.