
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

T. Edtmayr, A. Sunk, W. Sihn:
"An Approach to integrate Parameters and Indicators of Sustainability Management into Value Stream Mapping";
Vortrag: 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Ischia; 24.06.2015 - 26.06.2015.

Kurzfassung englisch:
In production research, sustainability is discussed in various forms and often combined with Value Stream Mapping (VSM),
a highly accepted method in practice for improving production systems using lean principles. In scientific literature, most
authors present frameworks for scoring production processes (e.g. ratios, benchmarks). These approaches aim to reduce
(material) input for producing a specific amount of goods. Hence, improved target-conditions of value streams can be
designed to increase ecological efficiency and therefore decrease costs. However, the main aim of this contribution is to
present an approach to combine generally accepted parameters and indicators of sustainability and VSM. This approach is
based on process-oriented accounting of resource consumption along buffers, transports and processes along value streams.
This model of integrating sustainability into VSM goes conform with international accepted guidelines to prevent disposals
of input resources by reuse, recycle and recovery. On the one hand, following international guidelines and frameworks, this
approach can be used for sustainability reporting; e.g. calculating emitted solvents per produced part, kilogram carbon
dioxide equivalents per produced part (with units [kgCDE] or [kgCO2eq]), kilogram disposals per produced part, etc. On the
other hand, companies will be able to calculate costs and revenues of sustainable value streams; i.e. to quantify their efforts
and benefits monetary. Hence, it is necessary to immerse into material flows in value stream, material consumptions at
processes, energy consumption of transports, buffers and processes in value stream, linkage of processes with scrap rates,
creation of waste, etc. New data lines in VSM need to be created to represent the parameters and indicators of sustainability.
The research findings will be presented by an use case from automotive industry.

Manufacturing; Sustainable development; Value Stream Mapping

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