
Bücher und Buch-Herausgaben:

M. Templ:
"Simulation for Data Science with R";
Packt Publishing, London, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-78588-116-9; 398 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The book provide a computational and methodological framework for statistical simulation to users with computational statistics and/or data science background.

- to lay a book into the hands to the readers that explains methods, give advise on usage of the methods and which provides computational tools to solve common problems in statistical simulation and computer intense methods.
- the core issues are on simulating distributions and data sets, Monte-Carlo methods for inference statistics, and to present solutions on computer intense approaches.
- the reader get in touch with the software environment R. After getting background on popular methods in the area, the readers will see applications in R to better understand the methods as well as to gain experience when working on real-world data and real-world problems.

The book is strongly connected to the use of the software environment R.

Statistical Simulation, Monte Carlo Methods, Bootstrapping, Random Number Generation, R

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