
Editorials in wiss. Zeitschriften:

M. Templ:
Austrian Journal of Statistics, 44 (2015), 1; S. 3.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The new web-site and editorial system (http://www.ajs.or.at) has been launched one
year ago. Four issues (in Volume 43) were published in 2014, one special issue on official
statistics, one regular issue and a conference proceedings in form of a double issue. With
the relauch of the website the style of the manuscripts have been changed, as well as the
cover pages. Various people asked about the paintings at the cover page. However, this
will be kept as a secret until Volume 44, Issue 3. Without giving too much away, it can be
said that the initial intention was not to draw a "A" (for Austrian), but if you feel better
you can think on a "A" until the secret will be give away.
It is great to look forward to Volume 44 (2015). Beside this issue, a special issue on the
Q2014 conference is in progress as well as a special issue on R and one additional regular
According to submissions to AJS, the year 2014 was not bad. More than 20 papers are
currently in review. However, the share of submissions from authors living in Austria and
papers covering topics related to Austrian society, economy, environment, and generally
to science is still low. It would be wonderful if this can be changed whereas all scientists,
PhD students and practioneer working in Austria are asked to contribute and to submit a
The first paper in this issue by Alexandra Grand and Regina Dittrich is related to psychometrics
and formulates a beta Bradley-Terry regression model for modelling metric
paired comparison data. A self-rated survey is conducted with the aim to investigate in
emotions. Interesting results are obtained: don´t get anger when learning maths!
The second paper by Wolfgang Voit and Arne C. Bathke investigate in the subjects statistics
and probability at secondary schools in the federal state of Salzburg and research on
the question about the relevance of these subjects. Good news! Statistics and probability
are currently gaining in importance. Get motivated by this paper.
One can discuss if all these measurements are fuzzy, at least for continuous quantities.
Fundamental basics are formulated in the third paper by Reinhard Viertl. We are looking
forward to receive new papers considering multivariate aspects as well.
The fourth paper by Jehad Al-Jararha and Als´ Bataineh concentrates on the estimation
of a finite population ratio using two auxiliary variables. The paper presents some interest,
because the proposed estimator does indeed seem to be less variable than the classical
ratio estimator.
The fifth contribution contains an interview with Ewald Kutzenberger who was one of
the important persons in official statistics in Austria. It also highlights the foundation of
the Austrian law on statistics, and the whole interview is a highlight itself.


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