

D. Niarchos, G. Giannopoulos, M. Gjoka, C. Sarafidis, V. Psycharis, J. Rusz, A. Edström, O. Eriksson, P. Toson, J. Fidler:
"Toward Rare-Earth-Free Permanent Magnets: A Combinatorial Approach Exploiting the Possibilities of Modeling, Shape Anisotropy in Elongated Nanoparticles, and Combinatorial Thin-Film Approach";
JOM, 67 (2015), S. 1318 - 1328.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The objective of the rare-earth free permanent magnets (REFREEPM) project is to develop a new generation of high-performance permanent magnets (PMs) without rare earths. Our approach is based on modeling using a combinatorial approach together with micromagnetic modeling and the realization of the modeled systems (I) by using a novel production of high-aspect-ratio (>5) nanostructrures (nanowires, nanorods, and nanoflakes) by exploiting the magnetic shape anisotropy of the constituents that can be produced via chemical nanosynthesis polyol process or electrodeposition, which can be consolidated with novel processes for a new generation of rare-earth free PMs with energy product in the range of 60 kJ/m3 < (BH)max < 160 kJ/m3 at room temperature, and (II) by using a high-throughput thin-film synthesis and high-throughput characterization approach to identify promising candidate materials that can be stabilized in a tetragonal or hexagonal structure by epitaxial growth on selected substrates, under various conditions of pressure, stoichiometry, and temperature. In this article, we report the progress so far in selected phases.

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