
Contributions to Proceedings:

G. Zauner, I. Wilbacher, N. Popper:
"Evaluation of fractures in the elderly in Austria and drug risk factor analysis based on claims data";
in: "Value in Health: ISPOR 18th Annual European Congress Research Abstracts", 18/7; M. Drummond, D. Mullins (ed.); issued by: ISPOR; Elsevier, Lawrenceville, NJ, USA, 2015, 539 - 540.

English abstract:
Fractures due to falls are quite often reason for long hospitalization and care dependency especially for the elderly. Thus, the reduction of cases and complications is of interest for medical insurance companies all over Europe. Therefore, the actual status including regional distribution has to be identified and drug prescription as one potential risk factor is analysed.

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Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.