
Publications in Scientific Journals:

C. Abaurrea Velasco, C. N. Likos, G. Kahl:
"Effective interactions of DNA-stars";
Molecular Physics (invited), 113 (2015), 17-18; 2699 - 2706.

English abstract:
We put forward a model that allows the calculation of the effective potential of two interacting DNA-stars, i.e., three-armed, Y-shaped, charged macromolecules, built up by three intertwined single-stranded DNAs. These particles are assumed to float on a flat interface separating two media with different dielectric properties. As the only input, our model requires the charge density along the branches and the interaction between two infinitesimally short segments, along two interacting rods. With this effective interaction at hand, a detailed investigations of the self-assembly scenarios of these molecules either via computer simulations or via theoretical frameworks comes within reach.

effective interactions, DNA-stars

"Official" electronic version of the publication (accessed through its Digital Object Identifier - DOI)

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