
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

R. Stuefer:
"Body Space Development. Why should space interact dynamically with our physical movement?";
Vortrag: OECD - Form Follows Learning, Athen (eingeladen); 09.09.2015 - 11.09.2015.

Kurzfassung deutsch:
Urban space: a static desert
Photo: Asphalt-desert -part of our pattern of behavior. Fotos Stuefer Vienna 2015
Because, if we want to talk about the needs of young people we have to think
about our lifestyle first. Apartments, schools and cities are sterile like an operating
theatre - flat, empty and much too tidy. They are static deserts. They work like an
antibiotic, working against life, by trying to minimise the area of contact with the
environment and avoid exertion. Distortions in perception are the type of allergy
which results. Our biological immune system can`t learn and develop any response.
Children take on our structures and patterns, our attitudes to life: they live with
us in our cities and our cultures on the earth. We have to take a critical look at
our society, and find ways to create conditions in which our children can educate
themselves, freely, and happily. The rooms which we pass on to our children are
not part of our genetic makeup, they are part of our pattern of behaviour.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Urban space: a static desert
Photo: Asphalt-desert -part of our pattern of behavior. Fotos Stuefer Vienna 2015
Because, if we want to talk about the needs of young people we have to think
about our lifestyle first. Apartments, schools and cities are sterile like an operating
theatre - flat, empty and much too tidy. They are static deserts. They work like an
antibiotic, working against life, by trying to minimise the area of contact with the
environment and avoid exertion. Distortions in perception are the type of allergy
which results. Our biological immune system can`t learn and develop any response.
Children take on our structures and patterns, our attitudes to life: they live with
us in our cities and our cultures on the earth. We have to take a critical look at
our society, and find ways to create conditions in which our children can educate
themselves, freely, and happily. The rooms which we pass on to our children are
not part of our genetic makeup, they are part of our pattern of behaviour.

Body Space Development Learning learning environments, Innovation in learning,create effective learning environments

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