

P.H. Osanna, E. Sarigül, M.N. Durakbasa, A. Osanna:
"The Role Of Databanks For Artificial Intelligence Based Measurement And Control In Computer Integrated Production";
WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, Volume 6 (1994), S. 471 - 478.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The application of computer assistance in the manufacturing field also puts sophisticated requirements on inspection methods. Therefore new de- mands are put to quality management using the aid of artificial intelligence. The described flexible measuring system links a local area network of perso- nal computers to various measuring devices for accurate automated work- piece inspection. The computer system provides for design, calculation, measuring planning, simulation and evaluation. As special feature there are links to artificial intelligence based data bank systems for production, construction and quality data respectively. The application of the proposed measuring cell guarantees economical manufacturing, inspection and management of quality data and it is an example for the usefull application of artificial intelligence in production engineering.

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