
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

G. Gutheil-Knopp-Kirchwald, J. Kadi:
"Distinct pathways of social housing sectors in European cities: Amsterdam and Vienna";
Talk: ENHR-Conference, Lissabon; 06-28-2015 - 07-01-2015.

English abstract:
In the 1990s, Harloe (1995) claimed that social housing sectors in industrialized countries, which had expanded in the post-war decades, are destined to decline into a residual tenure again. By contrast, Kemeny (1995) showed how social housing in Western Europe historically developed into an integrated and socially mixed sector, whereas it remained a residual tenure in the US. This paper adds to these debates by comparing the recent pathways of social housing in two European cities with socially-mixed sectors: Amsterdam and Vienna. We show that in Amsterdam social housing has declined since the 1990s and the tenure profile has become more residualized. In Vienna, by contrast, social housing has further expanded and the tenure profile has remained mixed. However, the sector has become increasingly separated between inexpensive and pricier market segments, reshaping patterns of affordability and accessibility within the sector. We relate these findings back to Harloe´s and Kemeny´s arguments.

Housing policy, Vienna, Amsterdam, integrated, spatial inequality, commodification

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.