
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

U. Pont, N. Ghiassi, M. Taheri, R. Bräuer, A. Mahdavi:
"The BAU_WEB-Project: Exploring the potential of state-of-the-art Web-Technologies for Building Product Data Acquisition and Management";
Poster: Vienna Young Scientists Symposium 2016, Vienna; 2016-06-09 - 2016-06-10; in: "Proceedings of Vienna Young Scientists Symposium 2016", B. Ullmann, .. TU Wien et al. (ed.); Eigenverlag mit wissenschaftlichem Lektorat / TU Wien, (2016), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-2-1; 28 - 29.

English abstract:
Coming from a variety of disciplines and occupational orientations, stakeholders and actors collaborating in the building industry have different perspectives and views on buildings as the final product of the collaboration. This multiplicity of views and lack of a common ontological understanding of a building and its components results in an information gap between the requirements of various tasks and applications (involved in the building delivery and operation processes) and the available building product representations. Informational expectations of data clients (architects, performance evaluators, engineers, craftsmen, building operators, etc.) with regard to building products are not always fully accounted for by data providers (manufacturers, 3rd party product evaluators, resellers). Moreover, due to the extent and dispersion of the already available data, extraction of useful information in the right format has become a cumbersome and error-prone process. It has been demonstrated that the difficulties in data procurement can even hinder the implementation of effective design support evaluation procedures and thus reduce the final design´s quality.

German abstract:
Coming from a variety of disciplines and occupational orientations, stakeholders and actors collaborating in the building industry have different perspectives and views on buildings as the final product of the collaboration. This multiplicity of views and lack of a common ontological understanding of a building and its components results in an information gap between the requirements of various tasks and applications (involved in the building delivery and operation processes) and the available building product representations. Informational expectations of data clients (architects, performance evaluators, engineers, craftsmen, building operators, etc.) with regard to building products are not always fully accounted for by data providers (manufacturers, 3rd party product evaluators, resellers). Moreover, due to the extent and dispersion of the already available data, extraction of useful information in the right format has become a cumbersome and error-prone process. It has been demonstrated that the difficulties in data procurement can even hinder the implementation of effective design support evaluation procedures and thus reduce the final design´s quality.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.