
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

G. Wurzer, U. Pont, W Lorenz, A. Mahdavi:
"Coupling Building Morphology Optimization and Energy Efficiency - A Proof of Concept";
Talk: Proceedings of the CESBP Central European Symposium on Building Physics AND BauSIM 2016, Dresden, Germany; 2016-09-14 - 2016-09-16; in: "Proceedings of BauSim 2016", J. Grunewald et al. (ed.); Technische Universität Dresden / Scientific Committee of the CESBP // Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, (2016), 978‐3‐8167‐9798‐2; 543 - 550.

English abstract:
This contribution focuses on recent efforts towards coupling building morphology optimization and energy efficiency computation in the context of early stage hospital planning. In more detail, a Netlogo model was conceived to generate typological design variations based on a grid grammar. Each resulting design was subjected to a fitness test based on a coupled energy performance model, which is unprecedented for early stage form finding to the best of our knowledge. However, given that hospitals require a large amount of energy for operation, energy efficiency considerations should indeed be implemented as early as possible within the design process. The given paper presents methodology and early results of these efforts.

German abstract:
[no german version available] This contribution focuses on recent efforts towards coupling building morphology optimization and energy efficiency computation in the context of early stage hospital planning. In more detail, a Netlogo model was conceived to generate typological design variations based on a grid grammar. Each resulting design was subjected to a fitness test based on a coupled energy performance model, which is unprecedented for early stage form finding to the best of our knowledge. However, given that hospitals require a large amount of energy for operation, energy efficiency considerations should indeed be implemented as early as possible within the design process. The given paper presents methodology and early results of these efforts.

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.