

D. Majstorovic, S. Stojadinovic, M.N. Durakbasa:
"Path Planning For Inspection Prismatic Parts On Cmm As A Part Of Cyber - Physical Manufacturing Metrology Model";
Journal Proceedings in Manufacturing Systems [Proc in MS], 1 (2016), Volume 11 Issue 1; S. 3 - 8.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Cyber-Physical System (CPS) are systems of collaborating computational entities which are in
intensive connection with the surrounding physical world and its on-going processes, providing and using,at the same time, data-accessing and data-processing services available on the internet. The essence of this research is development Intelligent Model for Inspection Planning (IMIP) on CMM as support of Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Metrology Model and its metrology integration into coordinate measuring machine (CMM) inspection process planning for prismatic parts. Presented model is advanced feature based inspection approach, whose advantage is in reduction the total measurement time by reducing the time needed for the preparation of the measurements and allowed opportunities for its optimization using one of the methods such as swarm theory. Needed geometrical information for feature description is taken from files IGES and STL. Output from the IMIP is point-to-point measuring path without collision between
measurement probe and prismatic part. Distribution of measurement points for basic geometrical features is performed on the base modifies Hamersley principle. The results of the inspection of both PPs show that all tolerances are within the specified limits. This confirms the efficiency of the proposed feature-based model in IMIP of PPs. The model is especially suitable for use in case of measuring path planning for geometrically complex PPs with large numbers of tolerances.

Erstellt aus der Publikationsdatenbank der Technischen Universität Wien.