

M. Kaltenbacher, A. Hüppe, A. Reppenhagen, M. Tautz, S. Becker, W. Kuehnel:
"Computational Aeroacoustics for HVAC Systems Utilizing a Hybrid Approach";
SAE Interantional, 9 (2016), 3; 6 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
We present a recently developed computational scheme for the numerical simulation of flow induced sound for rotating systems.
Thereby, the flow is computed by scale resolving simulations using an arbitrary mesh interface scheme for connecting rotating and
stationary domains. The acoustic field is modeled by a perturbation ansatz resulting in a convective wave equation based on the
acoustic scalar potential and the substational time derivative of the incompressible flow pressure as a source term. We use the Finite-
Element (FE) method for solving the convective wave equation and apply a Nitsche type mortaring at the interface between rotating
and stationary domains. The whole scheme is applied to the numerical computation of a side channel blower.

CFD, CAA, Arbitrary Mesh Interface, Multiphysics, Non-conforming Grids

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