
Diploma and Master Theses (authored and supervised):

M. Aguado:
"Evaluating the Third Spatial Dimension in Wireless Communications";
Supervisor: F. Ademaj, M. Taranetz, M. Rupp; Institute of Telecommunications, 2016; final examination: 2016-06-29.

English abstract:
Channel models are very important in analysing and designing wireless cellular networks on link-and system level simulation tools. Developing more accurate representations of new channel models is being one of the greatest challenges in wireless communication. This thesis provides a guideline for an implementation of the 3FPP 3D channel model as a stand-alone functionality, which allows faster simulations and enables to investigate new developing technologies that account on both azimuth and elevation dimensions. Moreover a time evolution of the channel is introduced for incorporating the mobility of the user which is not considered in the 3GPP 3D
channel model recommendation TR.36873.
The results show the performance of the 3D channel model where the user is
moving and the channel changes over time.

3GPP 3D channel model, mobility, time-evolution

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.