
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

D. Müller, C. Knoll, M. Seifried, G. Giester, M. Reissner, P. Weinberger:
"Porous spin crossover networks for multifunctional materials";
Poster: 42nd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC), Brest (Frankreich); 03.07.2016 - 08.07.2016; in: "Programme Book", (2016).

Kurzfassung englisch:
A main objective of nowadays spin crossover (SCO) research is the development of materials suitable for technological applications. Multifunctional materials, combining the SCO effect with an additional property (e.g. luminescence, NLO, etc.) would notably broaden the scope of applicability. Currently we focus on the development of spin-switchable metal organic frameworks with extended pore-size. Such porous spin-switchable hosts could act as combinatorial materials by the mere incorporation of a functional guest. We investigated different ligand systems, based on N-ligands (1-substituted tetrazoles, pyrazoles). Although, these approaches led to the desired porous switchable materials, due to the ligands´ design no regular pore structure could be obtained. Therefore, an extension of the [MII(CN)4]2- (M=Ni, Pd, Pt) fragment of the well-known Hofmann-type networks2 was performed. This led to second generation Hofmann-type networks with extended pore size (fig.1) and SCO behavior beyond room-temperature.

spin crossover, iron(II), MOF

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