

D. Müller, C. Knoll, M. Seifried, P. Weinberger:
"ATR or Transmission − A variable temperature study comparing both techniques using [Fe(3ditz)3](BF4)2 as model system";
Vibrational Spectroscopy, 86 (2016), S. 198 - 205.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Temperature dependent MIR and FIR spectroscopy can contribute valuable information on structural changes or phase transitions occurring at non-ambient temperature. Using an Fe(II) spin crossover complex as example we demonstrate the observation of a first order phase transition and the related configurational changes via temperature dependent IR spectroscopy. Using two different experimental setups, one in ATR-, the other one in transmission-configuration, we compare the obtained non-ambient MIR and FIR spectra and elaborate advantages and drawbacks of the two techniques.

iron(II), spin crossover, variable temperature FTIR, ATR

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