
Wissenschaftliche Berichte:

J. Schünemann, H. Strulik, T. Trimborn:
"Going from bad to worse: Adaption to poor health, health spending, longevity, and the value of life";
Bericht für Center for European, Governance and Economic Development Research; Berichts-Nr. 268, 2015; 22 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Aging humans adapt to their worsening state of health and old people are usually happier than estimated by young individuals. In this paper we investigate how adaptation to a deteriorating state of health affects health spending, life expectancy, and the value of life. We set up a a life cycle model in which individuals are subject to physiological aging, calibrate it with data from gerontology, and compare behavior and outcomes of adapting and non-adapting individuals. While adaptation generally increases the value of life (by about 2 to 5 percent), its impact on health behavior and longevity depends crucially on whether individuals are aware of their adaptive behavior.

Health/Adaption/Aging/Longevity/Health Care Demand

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