
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

H. Truong:
"On Engineering Analytics of Elastic IoT Cloud Systems";
Vortrag: University of Danang, Danang, Vietnam (eingeladen); 28.07.2016.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Developing end-to-end IoT cloud platforms is very challenging. In
particular, end-to-end IoT cloud platforms consist of mixed features
from cloud services and IoT elements for sensors execution,
near-realtime events handling, and data analytics, to name just a
few. Developers need several tools for deployment, control, governance
and analytics actions of software components in order to qualify their
designs and optimize the operation of different design
configurations. In this talk, we present motivating scenarios,
including crucial applications in Vietnam context, for provisioning and management of elastic systems of IoT, network functions and cloud resources in an end-to-end manner. We will discuss challenges and
techniques for engineering analytics of elastic IoT cloud systems. We
describe our techniques and experiences on supporting the development and testing of end-to-end IoT cloud platforms. We present our choices of toolsets and engineering actions that enable the deployment,
configuration and control of sensors, gateways, and cloud services at
the data centers for IoT platforms in multi-cloud environments. Finally, we will outline emerging research challenges on
uncertainties and risks associated with IoT cloud systems and their
required analytics techniques for IoT cloud systems.

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