
Participations in Exhibitions with Catalogue:

E. Sommeregger, F. Schafschetzy, S. Weiner, U. Aschenbrenner, unifithteen_Research, J. Körner, M. Boltenstern, K. Al-Rawi, ToTa, P. Jaritz, R. Suppin, L. Kulnig, D. Podmirseg, C. Tonko, Zosima, Aphenotype, J. Voordouw:
"Silver Linings";
Group exhibition; organised by: EyeTry, supported by Akademie der bildenden Künste, curator: E. Sommeregger, F. Schafschetzy; catalogue: "Silver Linings:12 Unique Approaches Towards Architectural Experimentation"; Akademie der bildenden Künste, 2015-10-09 - 2015-10-17.

English abstract:
an Installation by Patrick Jaritz und Rüdiger Suppin

In spring 2010 the curatorial team of the MUMOK Vienna invited Rüdiger Suppin and Patrick Jaritz to realize an installation inside the BAR RECTUM - a sculpture of Atelier Lieshout.
The installation "Nacktscanner" on the one hand corresponded to the current media presence about the topic on airport security, further more it meant to reflect the ongoing debate about how much privacy and personal information we are willing to transmit in an automated way.
Full body scanners were first installed throughout the USA in 2010 to enhance the national airport security. The European Union thus far rejected the general permission of its implementation for reasons concerning health and potential unreliability of these apparatuses.
This development resulted in broad media reporting, which even created more attention by coining the term "Nacktscanner" (Nude-Scanner).
The basic message that was conveyed described a technology of high-frequency devices, being able to produce "nude images" of the passengers that would be stored in correlation with the individualsī data.
However, likewise since 2010, these apparatuses can be found for test purposes under strict conditions in selected airports holding special permits.
Meanwhile, mostly German and British Airports put systems to work, that are said to operate with nonhazardous terahertz radiation and exhibit low error rates.

The "Nacktscanner" installation builds up on these considerations, and investigates on the symmetrical / asymmetrical distribution of information as much as the relation from privacy to public on the one hand, and the loss of control over our own data on the other hand.

In a society based on ICT (Information and Communication technology) the mode of accessing information as well the distribution of it changes significantly. The sheer quantity of exchanged data seemingly serves for the development of our "species". Above all the use of social media, mobile telephony or non-cash payment, thus raises discussions about how to treat private information in particular. Obviously, accumulated personal data itself generates a high economic value, for which reason a wide variety of attempts are made to optain it.
The relationship between two kinds of information conveyance -
the one being disclosed and the one received - becomes more and more asymmetrical especially in the case of natural persons.
This in turn raises questions about the meaning of private information;
Which social implications would need to be expected if privately understood information gradually becomes apparent to the public - as it is willingly or unwillingly the case already.

The "Nacktscanner" is meant as a device for communication, which only activates its potential by the pro-active involvement of at least three participants, as what is being disclosed and received plays out beyond duality and personal control.

installation - information society - body scanner - art

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.