
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

M. Templ:
"Data Visualization using R";
Hauptvortrag: eRum 2016, Poznan, Polen (eingeladen); 12.10.2016.

Kurzfassung deutsch:
Description of proposed workshop

This is an introductory course to statistical graphics in R. The goal is to understand the concepts of packages graphics, ggplot2 and related packages. The participants learn the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to statistical graphics implementations.
Plan of the workshop

The workshop is related to both, the traditional approach in R to graphics as well as new concepts such as ggplot, ggmap and sparktable. The basic philosophies of the packages are explained but also a variety of applications are shown. It is out of scope to do practical exercises, but many code examples are shown.
Required packages

ggplot2, ggvis, sparkTable, VIM, ggmap, sp, ggthemes, gplots
Required skills of participants

Basic R

Kurzfassung englisch:
Description of proposed workshop

This is an introductory course to statistical graphics in R. The goal is to understand the concepts of packages graphics, ggplot2 and related packages. The participants learn the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to statistical graphics implementations.
Plan of the workshop

The workshop is related to both, the traditional approach in R to graphics as well as new concepts such as ggplot, ggmap and sparktable. The basic philosophies of the packages are explained but also a variety of applications are shown. It is out of scope to do practical exercises, but many code examples are shown.
Required packages

ggplot2, ggvis, sparkTable, VIM, ggmap, sp, ggthemes, gplots
Required skills of participants

Basic R

R, data visualisation, grammar of graphics

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