

A. Belyakov, V.M. Veliov:
"On Optimal Harvesting in Age-Structured Populations";
in: "Dynamic Perspectives on Managerial Decision Making - Essays in Honor of Richard Hartl", Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-39118-2, S. 149 - 166.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The problem of optimal harvesting (in a sh population as a benchmark) is stated within a model that takes into account the age-structure of the population. In contrast to models disregarding the age structure, it is shown that in case of selective harvesting mode (where only sh of certain sizes are harvested) the optimal harvesting e ort may be periodic. It is also proved that the period-
icity is caused by the selectivity of the harvesting. Mathematically, the model comprises an optimal control problem on in nite horizon for a McKendrick-type PDE with endogenous and non-local dynamics and boundary conditions.

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