
Publications in Scientific Journals:

A. Aigner:
"Geflüchtete auf dem Wiener Wohnungsmarkt - Ausbeutung innerhalb der migrantischen Subkultur, Diskriminierung, Wohlfahrtschauvinismus";
zoll+, Österreichische Schriftenreihe für Landschaft und Freiraum, Hrsg. Forum Landschaftsplanung (invited), 29 (2016), Dezember; 51 - 59.

English abstract:
Research work on the housing situation of refugees´ in Austria so far largely focuses on accommodation during basic welfare support. Little is known about how recognized refugees live and find apartments when they are forced to leave temporary organized accommodation. This question is particularly virulent in the Austrian capital Vienna, where the tense housing market and the high influx of recognized refuges from the provinces constitute extremely unfavourable conditions for accessing housing. The article presents the findings of an empirical study investigating the experiences of forced migrants in making their way from temporary organized accommodation to private housing in Vienna. The analysis of 25 housing entrance pathways reveals exploitation within immigrant subculture, frequent moves, overcrowding, and insufficient housing counselling. The article criticizes newcomers´ exclusion from the social housing sector (in the first years after arrival) and concludes that besides `real´ social housing greater assistance with access to permanent housing and legal counselling is urgently needed.

Urban refugees, housing pathways, housing integration, Austria, Vienna

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