
Publications in Scientific Journals:

B. Templ, S. Fleck, M. Templ:
"Change of plant phenophases explained by survival modelling";
International Journal Of Biometeorology, 61 (2016), 5; 881 - 889.

English abstract:
It is known from many studies that plant species show a delay in the timing of flowering events with an increase in latitude and altitude, and an advance with an increase in temperature. Furthermore, in many locations and for many species, flowering dates have advanced over the long-term. New insights using survival modelling are given based on data collected (1970???2010) along a 3000 km long transect from northern to eastern Central Europe.
We could clearly observe that in the case of dandelion (\textit{Taraxacum officinale}) the risk of flowering time, in other words the probability that flowering occurs, is higher for an earlier day of year in later decades. Our approach assume that temperature has greater influence than precipitation on the timing of flowering. Evaluation of the predictive power of tested models suggests that Cox models may be used in plant phenological research. The applied Cox model provides improved predictions of flowering dates compared to traditional regression methods, and gives further insights into drivers of phenological events.

timing of flowering, Cox model with time dependent covariates, biogeographical regions of Europe, Taraxacum officinale

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