

C. Nathala, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, B. Faroog, S. Kudryashov, A. Daskalova, I. Bliznakova, A. Assion:
"Ultrashort laser pulse ablation of copper, silicon and gelatin: effect of the pulse duration on the ablation thresholds and the incubation coefficients";
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 122 (2016), S. 1071 - 1078.

Kurzfassung englisch:
In this paper, the influence of the pulse duration
on the ablation threshold and the incubation coefficient was
investigated for three different types of materials: metal
(copper), semiconductor (silicon) and biopolymer (gelatin).
Ablation threshold values and the incubation coefficients
have been measured for multiple Ti:sapphire laser pulses (3
to 1000 pulses) and for four different pulse durations (10,
30, 250 and 550 fs). The ablation threshold fluence was
determined by extrapolation of curves from squared crater
diameter versus fluence plots. For copper and silicon, the
experiments were conducted in vacuum and for gelatin in
air. For all materials, the ablation threshold fluence
increases with the pulse duration. For copper, the threshold
increases as s0.05, for silicon as s0.12 and for gelatin as s0.22.
By extrapolating the curves of the threshold fluence versus
number of pulses, the single-shot threshold fluence was
determined for each sample. For 30 fs pulses, the singleshot
threshold fluences were found to be 0.79, 0.35, and
0.99 J/cm2 and the incubation coefficients were found to be
0.75, 0.83 and 0.68 for copper, silicon and gelatin,

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