

A. Kirschner, D. Tskhakaya, G. Kawamura, D. Borodin, S. Brezinsek, R. Ding, C. Linsmeier, J. Romazanov:
"Modelling of Impurity Transport and Plasma-Wall Interaction in Fusion Devices with the ERO Code: Basics of the Code and Examples of Application";
Contribution to Plasma Physics, 56 (2016), 6-8; S. 622 - 627.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The 3D ERO code, which simulates plasma-wall interaction and impurity transport in magnetically confined
fusion-relevant devices is described. As application, prompt deposition of eroded tungsten has been simulated
at surfaces with shallow magnetic field of 3 T. Dedicated PIC simulations have been performed to calculate
the characteristics of the sheath in front of plasma-exposed surfaces to use as input for these ERO simulations.
Prompt deposition of tungsten reaches 100% at the highest electron temperature and density. In comparison to
more simplified assumptions for the sheath the amount of prompt deposition is in general smaller if the PIC-
calculated sheath is used. Due to friction with the background plasma the impact energy of deposited tungsten
can be significantly larger than the energy gained in the sheath potential.

Fusion research, ERO, PIC, prompt deposition, erosion, plasma-wall interaction

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