

D. Tskhakaya Sr., L. Kos, D. Tskhakaya:
"Stability of the Tonks-Langmuir discharge pre-sheath";
Physics of Plasmas, 23 (2016), 0321281; S. 03212810.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The article formulates the stability problem of the plasma sheath in the Tonks-Langmuir
discharge. Using the kinetic description of the ion gas, i.e., the stability of the potential shape in the
quasi-neutral pre-sheath regarding the high and low frequency, the perturbations are investigated.
The electrons are assumed to be Maxwell-Boltzmann distributed. Regarding high-frequency perturbations,
the pre-sheath is shown to be stable. The stability problem regarding low-frequency perturbations
can be reduced to an analysis of the "diffusion like" equation, which results in the
instability of the potential distribution in the pre-sheath. By means of the Particle in Cell simulations,
also the nonlinear stage of low frequency oscillations is investigated. Comparing the figure
obtained with the figure for linear stage, one can find obvious similarity in the spatial-temporal
behavior of the potential. VC 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.

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