

I. Viola:
"Effective Visual Representations";
TU Wien / Fak. für Informatik, 2016.

Kurzfassung englisch:
This thesis presents a selection of my research work in the field of visualization over the span of the
last ten years. After obtaining the Doctor technicae degree in 2005, I have investigated the adoption of
techniques from the visual crafts for interactive data visualization, primarily contributing to the illustrativevisualization
subfield. My scientific curiosity was since then centered around the concept of visual
abstraction, what it means and how to utilize it for data visualization in various application contexts. This
chapter discusses one key aspect of visual abstractions, namely their effectiveness, and it suggests how to
systematically design effective visual representations. Publications that form this thesis are in this chapter
presented in the light of their design strategy, while their actual main technical contribution is for some of
these going beyond the scope of this chapter.

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