
Editorials in wiss. Zeitschriften:

P. Ertl, J.M. Rosser:
"3D Microfluidic Cell Culture Models for Potential Stem Cell Therapies";
Insights into Stem Cells, 2 (2016), 1.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Over the last decades stem cell biology has fundamentally transformed our understanding of biological functions on a cellular and organism level and stem cell research has become ubiquitous in today's scientific world. Despite the wide spread use of stem cells in biomedical research, their clinical applications remain in certain situations constrained by potential ethical implications including informed consent, experimental intervention, and embryonic destruction as well as oversight of research [1]. Nevertheless, in recent years cell therapies have been recognized as an important alternative to conventional medical care to alleviate human diseases. Cell therapy, defined as the treatment in which cells are injected into a patient, can be divided into mesenchymal stem cell therapy, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and allogeneic or autologous cell therapy.

Organism; Mesenchymal stem cell; Stem cells; Transplantation; Chondrocyte

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