

U. Stockert, P. Sun, N. Oeschler, F. Steglich, T. Takabatake, P. Coleman, S. Paschen:
"Giant isotropic Nernst effect in an anisotropic Kondo semimeta";
Physical Review Letters, 117 (2016), 216401; S. 216401-1 - 216401-5.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The "failed Kondo insulator" CeNiSn has long been suspected to be a nodal metal, with a node in the hybridization matrix elements. Here we carry out a series of Nernst effect experiments to delineate whether the severely anisotropic magnetotransport coefficients do indeed derive from a nodal metal or can simply be explained by a highly anisotropic Fermi surface. Our experiments reveal that despite an almost twentyfold anisotropy in the Hall conductivity, the large Nernst signal is isotropic. Taken in conjunction with the magnetotransport anisotropy, these results provide strong support for an isotropic Fermi surface with a large anisotropy in quasiparticle mass derived from a nodal hybridization.

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