
Diplom- und Master-Arbeiten (eigene und betreute):

M. Mathuber:
"Synthesis of Compounds using Hard/Hard and Soft/Soft Lewis Acid - Base interactions and Investigation of their Properties for Possible Industrial Applications";
Betreuer/in(nen): W. Linert; Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2016; Abschlussprüfung: 12.12.2016.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Goal of this diploma thesis was the synthesis of various compounds for potential, industrial applications. In general these compounds can be classified into two groups by the HSAB-concept and Lewis Acid-Base interactions, namely Hard/Hard and Soft/soft chemical relations: 
The first part deals with the synthesis of helical, polymeric lanthanoide complexes, which are typical representatives of Hard/Hard interactions (small atom radii, strongly polarizing). These kinds of complexes show characteristic luminescence spectra. Therefore they can be, amongst other things, applied for the production of screens. This part of was carried out at the Department of Chemistry and Biological Science, Aoyama Gakuin University in Japan in the course of staying abroad. In addition a new ligand was successfully synthesized at the Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry at the Vienna TU: 
This ligand is ideal for coordination reactions with lanthanides. In this manner the significant emission spectra of these elements can be drastically enhanced. 
The second part of this master thesis deals with the synthesis of copper(I)sulfide from elemental Copper and Sulfur. Copper(I)sulfide is a typical representative of Soft/Soft interactions. Both starting materials for this reaction are comparatively big and easy to polarize elements. 
The aim was to synthesize this chemical compound under diverse reaction conditions and in various stoichiometric ratios, then to analyze the fabricated samples in regard to their suitability as thermoelectric material. Therefore the dimensionless figure of merit ZT is used, which is calculated by the following formula: 
ZT , 
whereby S is the Seebeck coefficient, the electric conductivity , the thermal conductivity and T the temperature. 
In the course of this diploma thesis several samples were synthesized, compared to each other and analyzed in regard to the Seebeck coefficient and the electric resistivity ρ ( ). 
The thermal conductivity will be measured prospectively. However by using a value for it, which is well known in appropriate literature, a potential ZT-value could be calculated. In doing so values up to 2.592 could be obtained, which are very promising results. 
These experiments were carried out at the Institute of Solid State Physics at the Vienna TU. 

fluorescence, thermoelectricity

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