

D. Bianchi, C. Lenauer, G. Betz, A. Vernes:
"A wavelet filtering method for cumulative gamma spectroscopy used in wear measurements";
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 11 (2016), S. 1 - 20.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Continuous ultra-mild wear quantification using radioactive isotopes involves measuring very low amounts
of activity in limited time intervals. This results in gamma spectra with poor signal-to-noise ratio and hence
very scattered wear data, especially during running-in, where wear is intrinsically low. Therefore, advanced
filtering methods reducing the wear data scattering and making the calculation of the main peak area more
accurate are mandatory. An energy-time dependent threshold for wavelet detail coefficients based on Poisson
statistics and using a combined Barwell law for the estimation of the average photon counting rate is then
introduced. In this manner, it was shown that the accuracy of running-in wear quantification is enhanced.

Tribology, radioacitve isotope wear measurements, wavelet denoising, Poisson distribution

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