
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

D. Eichleitner, M. Cagnazzo, M. Villa, H. Böck:
"Nuclide Determination of TRIGA Fuel Elements by Gamma Spectroscopy";
in: "RRFM European Research Reactor Conference 2016", European Nuclear Society (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: European Nuclear Society; European Nuclear Society, Brussels, Belgium, 2016, ISBN: 978-92-95064-25-6, S. 478 - 484.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Fuel elements used at the TRIGA Mark-II reactor located at Atominstitut in Vienna were examined by gamma spectroscopy along the vertical axis. These fuel elements have been used in a TRIGA reactor core in Japan 26 years ago and were transferred through interim storage at Idaho National Lab (INL) to the TRIGA reactor Vienna in October 2012. Therefore only the long lived fission product Cs-137 was expected. For this investigation the fuel elements (FE) were transported from the reactor core with the fuel transfer cask and placed into the fuel scanning device.
The device includes a vertical lifting system to move the fuel in front of a collimator hole for axial gamma scanning using a HP-Ge Gamma detector. Each FE was investigated for peaks and the strongest emission line was detected at 661 keV belonging to Cs-137. Some FE also contained Co-60, Ce-144 and Zr-95. Gamma spectra were recorded every 10 mm along the fuel rod axis resulting in the vertical distribution of the fission products. The activity concentration was calibrated using a standard calibration source of known activity to determine the maximum activity and consequently the burn-up of each fuel element.

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