
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

F. Maier, C. Consani, C. Ranacher, A. Kenda, M. Gröschl, A. Tortschanoff:
"Characterization of Mid IR Photonic MEMS";
Poster: Smart Systems Integration 2016, Munich/Germany; 09.03.2016 - 10.03.2016; in: "Proc. Smart Systems Integration 2016; editor: T. Gessner", (2016), S. 1 - 4.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The combination of mid infrared spectroscopy and semiconductor technology allows
reducing the size and cost of common chemical sensors for use in the automotive
industry, as well as in consumer electronics. [1]
This paper presents a test bench for a fully automatized optical and electrical
characterization of MEMS devices on a chip and wafer level. For the optical
characterization, in contrast to free-beam designs, we employ infrared (IR) fibers as
optical probes. The use of optical fibers facilitates position and angular-sensitive
detection via an opto-mechanical design based on micrometric XYZ translation
stages and a fixed pivot-point rotational positioning system.

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