

L. Kovarova, R. Viertl:
"The Generation of Fuzzy Sets and the Construction of Characterizing Functions of Fuzzy Data";
Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Volume 12, Article 2 (2015), Issue 6, December; S. 1 - 16.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Measurement results contain different kinds of uncertainty. Besides systematic errors and random errors individual measurement results are also subject to another type of uncertainty, so-called emph{fuzziness}. It turns out that special fuzzy subsets of the set of real numbers $RR$ are useful to model fuzziness of measurement results. These fuzzy subsets $x^*$ are called emph{fuzzy numbers}. The membership functions of fuzzy numbers have to be determined. In the paper first a characterization of membership function is given, and after that methods to obtain special membership functions of fuzzy numbers, so-called emph{characterizing functions} describing
measurement results are treated.

Characterizing function Fuzzy data Generating families Measurement results Vector-characterizing function

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