
Publications in Scientific Journals:

K. Höftberger:
"AsylwerberInnen im öffentlichen Raum. Zugang zu Intergation von Anfang an?";
zoll+ Österreichische Schriftenreihe für Landschaft und Freiraum, 29 (2016), 28 - 33.

English abstract:
The possibilities for refugees to participate in social life in the receiving country are very limited during their asylum procedure. Urban public space however offers the chance to get in touch with the new environment, culture and people. These interactions can trigger early integration processes. In my Bachelor thesis I explored which qualities of public space matter to refugees, what kind of barriers restrict them from appropriating public space and how these obstacles can be overcome.

public space, integration, asylum seekers, refugees, social space analysis

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.