
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

A. Körner:
"System Modelling and Simulation applied in the field of Economy";
Vortrag: Information Systems and Technology Innovations: the New Paradigm for a Smarter Economy, Tirana, Albanien; 17.06.2016 - 18.06.2016; in: "Information Systems and Technology Innovations: the New Paradigm for a Smarter Economy", Department of Statistics and Applied Informatics Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana, Proceeding 2016 (2016), ISBN: 978-9928-148-56-8; 2 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The talk will address the benefit of applying mathematical modelling and
simulation in scenarios in economy. Mathematical modelling opens the
possibilities to replace rather simple static formulas by dynamical models for
simulating a certain system behavior. The resulting simulation outcomes can
be used to analyse potential system and business processes of an economic or
socioeconomic system. Moreover certain forecasts can be done by using
several simulation runs to support decision-making on the basis of scientific
valid statements.

Modelling, Simulation, Economy

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