
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

F. Endel, A. Dremsek, J. Holl, M. Wagner-Pinter, G. Endel:
"Deterministic data linkage between organizations: a verified procedure applied in Austria";
Vortrag: HEC Interdisciplinary Systems, München; 28.08.2016 - 02.09.2016.

Kurzfassung englisch:
DEXHELPP ("Decison Support for Health Policy and Planning"), a COMET K-project funded by FFG, is a
collaboration between small and medium-sized businesses, the University of Technology in Vienna, Gesundheit
Österreich GmbH a subsidiary of the federal ministry of health, and the main association of Austrian health insurance
institutions. Analysing, sharing and linking sensitive, indirectly identifiable personalized data is a required but highly
delicate process in this project.
In the federal state of Austria, responsibilities concerning the health and social security system are spread among
various public institutions. As a result, data collections are detached and although a unique person identifier
("Sozialversicherungsnummer" in German) exists, legal and organisational obstacles have to be tackled to utilize or
even link data.
To prepare secure and reliable data linkage of several sources at a central facility, we defined and implemented a
thorough process.

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