
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

C. Wytrzens, T. Vobruba, A. Kainz, I. Hafner, F. Breitenecker:
"Benchmark SCARA Robot - Modelling Comparisons for Movement and Collision Avoidance";
Vortrag: 5th Annual International Conference on Business, Technology and Innovation, Durres, Albanien; 28.10.2016 - 30.10.2016; in: "Proceedings of the 5th Annual International UBT Conference on Business, Technology and Innovation", E. Hajrizi (Hrg.); UBT - Higher Educations Institution, 5/Durres (2016), ISBN: 978-9951-437-39-4; S. 92 - 93.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Abstract. Simulation Notes Europe (SNE), EUROSIM´s membership journal,
features a series on benchmarks for modelling approaches and simulation
implementations. Up to now, 23 benchmarks have been defined, and 347
`solutions´ with different modelling approaches and simulation implementations
have been published in SNE. This contribution discusses the ARGESIM
Benchmark C11`SARA Robot´, with up to now 12 `solutions´ sent in. The
benchmark aims for modelling and simulation of a point-to-point motion of a
three axis SCARA (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm) robot
including collision avoidance modelling and collision avoidance control. The
contributions compares different modelling approaches used, e.g. considering
either an explicit or implicit model description. Of interest are different
implementations of collision avoidance, on modelling side, and on control side.
Simulation implementations in various simulation tools, as for example in
Simulink and in Matlab show a broad variety of approaches - so that
advantages as well as disadvantages of the simulation tools can be pointed out.

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