
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

G. Leigh:
"Stratified Truth";
Talk: Gothenburg Logic Seminar, Gothenburg, Schweden; 2016-10-26.

English abstract:
New Foundations, NF, is the set theory proposed by Quine in 1937 which permits the construction of many sets prohibited in Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, including the universal set, { x | x = x } and set of all ordinals. The theory has a simple axiomatisation, namely extensionality and stratified comprehension, the latter being set comprehension for any formula that can be consistently typed. It is natural to ask whether stratification can provide a solution to the truth-theoretic paradoxes. A naive translation of NF as a theory of truth (interpreting sets as predicates and replacing 'x e y' as `y is true of x') is unsatisfactory due to the interpretation of extensionality. In this talk I will present a theory of truth with a purely intensional truth predicate that is equi-consistent with Quine's New Foundations.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.