
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

P. Zeile, B. Resch, L. Dörrzapf, J. Exner, G. Sagl, A. Summa et al.:
"Urban Emotions - Tools of Integrating People´s Perception into Urban Planning";
Talk: Real Corp 2015, Gent; 2015-05-04 - 2015-05-08; in: "PLAN TOGETHER - RIGHT NOW - OVERALL. From Vision to Reality for Vibrant Cities and Regions", (2015), ISBN: 978-3-9503110-8-2; 907 - 914.

English abstract:
This paper introduces the research field "Urban Emotions" - an interdisciplinary approach combining not
only spatial planning and (geo-) informatics, but also computer linguistics and sensor technology methods. A
new set of methods will be formed for the area of urban and spatial planning, resulting in a fundamental
change of the understanding of planning. One of the main objectives is the involvement of citizens into
planning processes. Therefore, new techniques are developed to collect and analyse data on the emotional
perception of space and provide it to the people and also planners. Not only the human perception in the
context of the city, and the combination with human sensory processes are contents of this paper, but also the
critical discussion of these effects to privacy issues. Based on the topics "mental maps" and
psychogeography in combination with the field of digital emotional urban tagging, the potential of
integrating objectively quantified emotions in the context of citizen participation will be explained. In the
following, partly established and partly experimental methods for collecting and analysing "Urban
Emotions" will be introduced. Based on two studies, the possibilities of transfering these methodsinto the
planning praxis will be shown on the one hand and on the other hand the potential for further development
for other disciplines will be more evident.

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.