
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

F. Libisch, J. Doppler, S. Rotter et al.:
"Dynamically encircling an exceptional point for asymmetric mode switching";
Talk: Eingeladener Seminarvortrag RWTH Aachen 2016, Aachen, Deutschland (invited); 2016-12-06.

English abstract:
Physical systems with loss or gain have resonant modes that decay or grow exponentially with
time. Whenever two such modes coalesce both in their resonant frequency and their rate of
decay or growth, an `exceptional point´ occurs, giving rise to fascinating phenomena that defy
our physical intuition. Here we demonstrate dynamical encircling of an exceptional point
through a two-mode waveguide with suitably designed boundaries and losses [1]. We realize
a corresponding waveguide structure that steers incoming waves around an exceptional point
during the transmission process, inducing mode transitions that transform our device into a
robust and asymmetric switch between different waveguide modes.

Exceptional points, non-hermitian systems

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.