
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

M. Kaiser, P. Gärtner, V. Enev:
"Towards the total synthesis of elisabethin A";
Poster: 17th Tetrahedron Symposium - Challenges in Biological, Bioorganic, Organic & Medicinal Chemistry, Sitges (nr Barcelona), Spain; 28.06.2016 - 01.07.2016.

Kurzfassung englisch:
An alternative approach based on the proposed biosynthesis from serrulatane precursor was developed.
We planed to assemble one ring after the other and each stereocenter consecutively.
This course of action should guarantee a highly enantio- and diastereoselective synthesis to proof /disprove the suggested absolute configuration.

elisabethin A, natural product, enantioselective, biomimetic

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