
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

N. Haufe, A. Millonig, K. Markvica:
"Developing Encouragement Strategies for Active Mobility";
Talk: International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport Transforming Urban Mobility, mobil.TUM 2016, Oskar von Miller Forum, München (Deutschland), 6.-7. Juni 2016; 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-07; in: "Transportation Research Procedia", Elsevier, (2016), 49 - 57.

English abstract:
Promoting active mobility, i.e. walking and cycling, does not only require providing the adequate infrastructure. It is necessary to identify efficient ways to inform people and to arouse interest to actually change mobility behaviour. The challenge is to identify homogeneous (target) groups of shared mobility-related information needs and to extract appropriate group-related arguments. To develop encouragement strategies for different social groups, a milieu-based segmentation approach is applied in this paper in order to identify homogeneous groups of shared mobility-related information needs and to extract appropriate group-related arguments to promote active mobility.

"Mobility behaviour; active mobility; social milieus; mobility-related information"

"Official" electronic version of the publication (accessed through its Digital Object Identifier - DOI)

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